- Saturday, May 18, 2024 9:30 AM
Sunday, May 19, 2024 1:30 PM - Writtle University College Lordship Road Chelmsford, England, CM1 United Kingdom
Our conference speakers so far…
Our conference confirmed speakers list
Stéphane Gagno, Village des Tortues and SOPTOM, France ‘Introduction to TORTUPÔLE France’
Kimberley Carter, London Zoo, UK ‘The Big-headed turtle Platysternon megacephalum’
Nick Cramer, Netherlands ‘American bog turtles Glyptemys muhlenbergii’
Chris Leone, Garden State Tortoise and Hermanni Haven, USA ‘Behind the scenes of Garden State Tortoise and Hermanni Haven’
Tom Wells, European Turtle Alliance, UK ‘Gaps in Chelonia research and the ETA graduate grants priority list’
Shahriar Caesar Rahman, Creative Conservation Alliance, Bangladesh ‘Conservation breeding and rewilding of the Burmese brown mountain tortoise Manouria emys’
Matt Rendle, Association of Zoo and Exotic Veterinary Nurses, UK ‘Brumation in Mediterranean Chelonia’
Colin Stevenson, Crocodiles of the World, UK ‘Hatching Galapagos tortoises in the UK’
Kimberley Carter, London Zoo, UK‘New chapter of reptile keeping at London Zoo’
Ethan Parrott, Marwell Zoo, UK ‘Development of captive habitats for the Burmese black mountain tortoise Manouria emys phayrei’
Chris Leone, Garden State Tortoise and Hermanni Haven, USA ‘Conservation Stateside with a focus on the diamondback terrapin Malaclemys terrapin’