Members of honour

Sabine Bohmer
(† december 5th 2022)

Sabine was a much loved and respected member of the European Turtle Alliance committee since 2020. She was dedicated to the conservation and welfare of Chelonia, regularly travelling long distances to volunteer at projects across Europe.

Henk Zwartepoorte
(† october 28th 2016)

Henk was a passionate leader in the turtle conservation community. Henk has been involved with the TSA since its foundation in 2001 in Fort Worth, TX and he was chairman of TSA Europe. Henk was not just an icon in his field of expertise, he was a good person with high moral standards and above all, a nice guy.

Hans dieter Philippen
(† May 8th 2016)

Hans was a vice chair since 2002 for TSA Europe and also a very dedicated turtle conservationist. His knowledge on fauna and flora was tremendous; he was a living encyclopaedia. You never got a “no” for an answer when you asked him something.